We have a big problem.
Landslide voter turnout is a problem in every single county in America.
It is not true.
It is how they are padding fraud.
No one is writing articles about WOW the biggest turnout in history?!!
Because they don’t want you to think about it.
In my own county, a district here had 50% turnout!?!? It is usually around 24%.
See the fraud?
From Miles Mathis written in 2021:
“I actually crunched the numbers myself, and discovered something no one else is talking about. What we find, surprisingly, is that the black precincts that voted most heavily against Trump also had the lowest turnout. For instance, see precinct 61, which is typical of a black Milwaukee neighborhood, in that they voted against Trump by 97%, just as you would expect. But their turnout was only 71% of registered voters. As we go up the charts to higher turnouts, we also go to lower percentages for Biden. For example, see precinct 267, which had a high turnout of 89%, but only voted for Biden at 56%. So the precincts with highest turnouts were actually most likely to vote for Trump. He still lost there, but by a much smaller margin. You will say this analysis contradicts the fraud story, since Trump did better in these precincts, but it doesn’t because you would expect the fraud to be taking place in those precincts. Why? Because that is where you can fit in the fraud.
You can’t fit it into a precinct that is already voting for Biden by 97%. We just saw that Biden did eight times better in those five precincts than Clinton, and he couldn’t have done eight times better in one of the black precincts. You can’t do eight times better than 97%, can you? So you have to fit it into the wealthier whiter precincts, where it is easier to hide. But that causes a further problem, because then you can’t explain the big jump against Trump as being due to BLM.
Why would white Milwaukee voters like Biden so much more than Clinton? So although Trump did much worse in Milwaukee in 2020 than in 2016, it wasn’t in the black neighborhoods. He had no room to fall there, since he was already at rock bottom. He fell most in the white neighborhoods, going against expectations.
Another thing no one else is reporting on is that in those five precincts, it isn’t only the percentages that are strange, it is the totals. Total votes for both major candidates in 2016 were 3,916, in 2020 they were 6,651. An increase of almost 60% in four years. That is where the real shock is.
Is Milwaukee’s population growing? No, it is decreasing, and has been since the 1960s. It has fallen by about 5,000 in the past decade. The only growth Milwaukee has seen recently is in the third ward and Walker’s Point, near downtown. Greenfield has only added a couple hundred people since 2016, so where are these 2,735 people in five precincts in the eleventh ward coming from? My guess is they don’t exist, and Trump’s lawsuits may discover that. So there is a story there, but no one else is getting it. Looks like the Trump team needs to hire me for discovery. Given my comments above and in previous papers, I don’t expect that to happen.