2 Questions To Ask Today:
Not one Congressperson or Senator asked WHY we were confirming a Supreme Court Judge so quickly. And so far from when the Judge retiring is leaving (Oct). WHY?
We have never done this before.
Dems may know they are losing the House and Senate ( but who cares because it’s all the same party).
What is happening this summer?
Why the HUGE rush?
2) Why did Pelosi test for that thing? They are not in session. She had no symptoms. But it’s all over the headlines. That she has it and could give it to King Fraud A Lot. No one is asking why she even tested. It was odd
Also: The MEDIA wanted you to see that clip of him wandering around.  Usually means they are ok with building a case now that he isn’t fit for the job. Means he is OUT soon.

Tucker Carlson last night on Gov Cox of Utah and Mitt Romney Of Utah

Biden Cringeworthy Walks Around in Circles at Event




